Comparison of precipition-gauge and snow pillow data from a severe april snowstorm in a mountain watershed

TitleComparison of precipition-gauge and snow pillow data from a severe april snowstorm in a mountain watershed
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference1976
AuthorsStorr, D., and Golding D. L.
Conference Name44th Annual Western Snow Conference
Series TitleProceedings of the 44th Annual Western Snow Conference
Date PublishedApril 1976
PublisherWestern Snow Conference
Conference LocationCalgary, Alberta
KeywordsSnow gauge comparisons, Snow gauges

Snow pillow data for a severe April snowstorm are not in conflict with data from precipitation gauges when the theory of delayed response of the pillows is applied. However, there are other problems with abstraction of data from snow pillow charts for short period, such as the effects of atmospheric pressure and temperature. The storm isohyetal pattern suggests that convergence in the low pressure area is more important than orographic lifting in precipitating the atmospheric moisture. The 24-hour snowfall at one gauge site was over 50% greater than the 100-year return-period value that would have been expected from the 11 years of previous record.
