Anodyzing or hardening the surface of snow samplers

TitleAnodyzing or hardening the surface of snow samplers
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference1938
AuthorsMarr, J. C.
Conference Name6th Annual Western Interstate Snow Survey Conference
Series TitleProceedings of the 6th Annual Western Interstate Snow Survey Conference
Date PublishedDecember 1938
PublisherAmerican Geophysical Union, Transactions, Part I:
Conference LocationLos Angeles, California
KeywordsSnow samplers, anodyzing

Anodyzing duraluminum equipment hardens and smooths the surfaces, prevents oxidation and discoloration of hands and clothing, and increases the durability of the equipment. Anodyzing is recommended for snow samplers. The smoother surfaces permit the snow cores to slip through the tube easier, and less wear is exerted on the threads of the couplings. It is suggested that the cost of anodyzing may outweigh the advantages.