Some observations on fall soil moisture under forest cover and their relations to the winter snowpack

TitleSome observations on fall soil moisture under forest cover and their relations to the winter snowpack
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference1948
AuthorsGoodell, B. C.
Conference Name16th Annual Western Snow Conference
Series TitleProceedings of the 16th Annual Western Snow Conference
Date PublishedApril 1948
PublisherWestern Snow Conference
Conference LocationReno, Nevada
KeywordsRunoff, Snowmelt, Soil moisture measurement

Extensive measurements of fall deficits in soil moisture were conducted in the Fraser Experimental forest. Soil samples were taken in an area of virgin lodgepole pine in late September, and again in the spring to determine the field-capacity of the soil. The difference between the average field-moisture capacity and the average fall-moisture content was the soil-moisture deficit. Soil moisture deficit averaged about 16% of the gross snow cover. Studies in Spruce and Fir forest cover showed about 14% deficits. Studies in a young lodgepole stand showed a deficit of 75% over a 2 year period.Discussion by H.L. Potts.