A quantitative forecast system of runoff based on snow surveys at the mean elevation of snow cover

TitleA quantitative forecast system of runoff based on snow surveys at the mean elevation of snow cover
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference1940
AuthorsSalo, J. V.
Conference Name8th Annual Western Interstate Snow Survey Conference
Series TitleProceedings of the 8th Annual Western Interstate Snow Survey Conference
Date PublishedJune 1940
PublisherAmerican Geophysical Union, Transactions, Part III-B:
Conference LocationSeattle, Washington
KeywordsElevation methods, Water supply forecasting

The mean-elevation method of making rapid calculations of potential water supply is described. The water content was measured by the zone method and the mean-elevation in two areas. This zone method gave values 10% higher than the mean-elevation method. Graphs are developed to show the relation between elevation and area as well as the relation of elevation and water content as measured by snow surveys. Due to the large area of the Merrimack River basin, some 3100 sq. mi., and the difference in climatic conditions that may change rapidly due to warm rains and cause floods. The snow survey trips necessitate a 600 mile trip taking 5 days of time to complete one survey. This method of forecasting makes possible; (1) the immediate calculation of potential water supply, (2) estimates of runoff in adjacent basins, (3) the use of component basins, (4) provides a way to follow the trend of the coming runoff. With 15 power plants along the stream, this is important.
