An Assessment of Differences in Gridded Precipitation Datasets in Complex Terrain

TitleAn Assessment of Differences in Gridded Precipitation Datasets in Complex Terrain
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2016
AuthorsHenn, Brian, Newman Andrew J., Livneh Ben, Daly Christopher, and Lundquist Jessica D.
Conference Name84th Annual Western Snow Conference
Date Published2016
Conference LocationSeattle, Washington

Hydrologic modeling and other geophysical applications are sensitive to precipitation forcing data quality, and there are known challenges in spatially distributing gauge-based precipitation over complex terrain. We conduct a comparison of six high-resolution, daily and monthly gridded precipitation datasets over the Western United States. We compare the long-term average spatial patterns, and interannual variability of water-year total precipitation, as well as multi-year trends in precipitation across the datasets. We find that the greatest absolute differences among datasets occur in high-elevation areas and in the maritime mountain ranges of the Western United States, while the greatest percent differences among datasets relative to annual total precipitation occur in arid and rain-shadowed areas. Differences between datasets in some high-elevation areas may exceed 200 mm yr-1 on average, and relative differences range from 5-60% across the Western United States. (KEYWORDS:  orographic precipitation, precipitation uncertainty, hydrologic modeling, distributed datasets)
