A large, adjustable tipping bucket gauge for measuring snowmelt

TitleA large, adjustable tipping bucket gauge for measuring snowmelt
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference1984
AuthorsWilford, D. J.
Conference Name52nd Annual Western Snow Conference
Series TitleProceedings of the 52nd Annual Western Snow Conference
Date PublishedApril 1984
PublisherWestern Snow Conference
Conference LocationSun Valley, Idaho
KeywordsSnow gauge, Snowmelt, Tipping bucket

Snowmelt research in the Queen Charlotte Islands of British Columbia is focusing on the influence of clearcutting on peak flows from rain-on-snow events. The use of large (10 square meter) snowmelt lysimeters necessitated large tipping bucket gauges. No large commercial tipping buckets could be found and experience with existing construction plans was not satisfactory. A large tipping bucket was designed and constructed in the fall of 1982. This paper describes construction details and field performance of the 'Smithers Magnum Adjustable Tipping Bucket'. The unit is robust, economical to construct, and adjustable, with a range of 200 ml to 1.5 l. This is a versatile, sensitive instrument for use in snowmelt or rainfall studies.
