Awards & Traditions

Each year to recognize the author’s contributions at the annual meetings, awards were given for the best presentation, the best poster, and the best student presentation. The best student presentation was awarded in honor of Dr. James E. Church, the inventor of the Federal Sampler that is used by snow surveyors. The Church award included a $250 stipend to defray costs of travel to the annual meeting. The first author of each award also received a plaque engraved with their name and the title of their paper, provided it was submitted to the editor for inclusion in the annual proceedings.
The traditional snowflake bolo tie with membership area colored string was the tie of choice at WSC.
From 1954 through 2018, the WSC also gave The Faker Award to the conference attendee who had distinguished himself/herself during the prior year or at the conference by committing a memorable blunder that deserved to be commemorated.