2021 Annual Meeting

88th Annual Western Snow Conference

April 12-15, 2021

Virtual Meeting

“Bridging the Gap between Research and Operations”

Dear Members and Friends of the Western Snow Conference:
The 88th meeting of the Western Snow Conference set a new record for registration and attendance, and we would like to thank all the participants – especially students and vendors – for supporting the Conference as we navigated the virtual world this year. The presentations were interesting and informative, and a special thanks goes to all the presenters for staying on schedule and being prepared.
We would also like to thank Montana State University for hosting the Webex meeting, and especially Maddie Beck for all her efforts as our facilitator – both during the conference and behind the scenes. Maddie is continuing on at MSU for her Master’s in Snow Science; we hope to see her as a presenter next year!
Stay tuned here for future Conference updates as our team of volunteers work to provide follow up materials.  Thanks again for joining us.  We hope to see you in person next year!
 Noah Molotch
General Chair, WSC
  Lucas Zukiewicz
Conference Chair

Please stay tuned to our website as we move forward with the planning process.

If you have any questions, please contact us at westernsnowconference@gmail.com.   

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