Alpine Hydromet, located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, manufactures snow monitoring sensors such as the Fluidless Snow Pillow and provides GOES ground stations. With backgrounds in water resource management, meteorology, & atmospheric science, Alpine Hydromet understands the importance of instrumentation reliability, ease of transport, installation and field repair. Research and bi-directional communication with our clients is the most important aspect in instrumentation implementation. We value at the highest level our clients feedback to continuously improve the development of snow sensors. Campbell Scientific Inc. manufactures dataloggers, data acquisition systems, and measurement and control products.
Geonor Inc.: Since 1985 Geonor has offered the T-200B Series Precipitation Gauges all over the world. Incorporating time tested vibrating-wire technology the gauges offer unsurpassed accuracy and sensitivity. Our line of products include a laser snow-depth sensors, all-in-one meteorological stations, as well as a full line of environmental and geotechnical instruments.
Hoskin Scientific Limited has been supplying testing and monitoring instruments since 1946. Focusing on Environmental Monitoring, Test and Measurement Instrumentation and Geotechnical Materials Testing.
Hydrologic Sensors – Benjamin Trustman, Founder. I always saw the idea of remote recording as a valuable concept. My early career in mobile audio recording helped me define the idea, and gave me the knowledge to understand the linear connections of source to storage data. As a student in Hydrology, I worked in several labs honing my field application skills. The one constant pressure in academic research is budget constraint. When I was presented the challenge of creating an affordable way to measure snow without a large fluid filled pillow, I jumped at the opportunity. Now, with over a decade of experience in remote hydrological measurement applications, I am expanding the field of low cost sensor applications.
 In-Situ® Inc. is well known around the world as a leading manufacturer of in situ (on-site) monitoring instruments. Our goal is to provide rugged, reliable, and accurate instruments for field measurement, whether it be for spot sampling or long, unattended deployments.
 High Sierra Electronics® Inc.(HSE) has been designing and manufacturing environmental monitoring systems for the protection of lives and property. Our systems help identify threats posed by the weather, which include flooding and dangerous road conditions. HSE offers a wide range of monitoring solutions to fit most any application and budget – from fullscale weather stations and high water detection systems to vehicle-mounted pavement temperature and air temperature sensors. HSE’s sister company, OneRain provides data services to complete the package offering secure web access to station data and long term data archiving.
 Judd Communications – Offering products and services for remote environmental monitoring.
Mountain WATCH – Our team strives to provide you with detailed weather, snow conditions, and live webcams at the most used mountain areas in Australia, New Zealand, the US, and the world. All for Free.
 Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Inc. provides easy to use and reliable water, soil and weather monitoring sensors.
 AirFlare aims to revolutionize outdoor safety by turning the only radio that almost everyone carries–their smartphone–into a uniquely powerful rescue tool. AirFlare’s innovative technology leverages the modern phone’s hardware turning it into a rescue solution that has powerful in-cell-service and out-of-cell service capabilities, dramatically accelerating searches, improving outcomes, and keeping personnel safer in the process!
ETI Sensors – Located in Fort Collins, Colorado, providing quality, hand-built instrumentation for scour monitoring and all-weather precipitation applications since 1975.
| | Campbell Scientific (Canada) Corp. (CSC) has been a provider of quality sensors, measurement instruments and data acquisition systems since 1978. Our product line consists of data acquisition and measurement control systems, automatic weather stations, meteorological, hydrometeorological and a wide variety of sensors.
 Geo Scientific Ltd. is a leading Canadian distributor of Watershed Monitoring Instrumentation and Global Positioning Systems (GPS).
 Hach Hydromet helps water resources professionals generate reliable data throughout the entire cycle of water, from measuring precipitation to monitoring estuaries and ground water, and everything in between. Hydrolab multi-parameter water quality instruments are built using the industry’s leading sensor technology. OTT products have been leading level, discharge and precipitation measurement for over 130 years.
 Hydroinnova designs, manufactures and markets specialized equipment and services for environmental observations.
Kisters HyQuest Solutions America now part of the KISTERS Group excels with a broad portfolio of world-class sensors and instrumentation for water flow, level, rainfall and snow and ice measurement. Our snow and ice line-up includes the groundbreaking USH-9 Snow Depth/Snow Weather Sensor, Precibal Total Precipitation Gauge, SMA-2 Snow Melt Analyzer, SSG-2 Fluidless Snow Pillow and the innovative IDS-20 Ice Detection System.We introduced non-contact discharge radar to the U.S. market helping to usher in a sea change in the way water flow is measured. Our tipping bucket rain gauges with advanced flow control, are considered the global standard. Now as part of the Kisters Group we combine the muscle of our proven hardware with Kisters powerful data analytics and visualization software to create an advanced decision support system to solve your most complex hydro-meteorological challenges.OTT Hydromet provides valuable insights for experts in water and weather applications to help protect lives, the environment and infrastructure. We go beyond simply providing solutions by partnering with our customers in designing effective answers to the challenges they encounter in their vital role of monitoring the world’s water and surface weather.
PG&E – The Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is an American investor-owned utility providing natural gas and electricity to 5.2 million households in the northern two-thirds of California.
Sutron – Since 1975 Sutron Corporation has provided Hydrologic, Meteorologic and Oceanic Real-Time Data Collection and Control Products, Systems, Software, Services and over 40,000 Stations to collect, store, transmit and/or host real-time data from extreme, remote sites to Pocket, Desktop, or Laptop PCs anywhere on the planet.
 Waterlog Series – Waterlog specializes in the manufacturing of hydrological monitoring equipment.
 Vaisala – Electronic measurement systems and equipment for meteorology, environmental sciences, traffic safety and industries.
 Sommer MesstechnikMeasuring solutions for surface water, rivers, open channels and groundwater. Recording meteorological data for alpine monitoring networks, weather or avalanche warning services.
Xylem – Water challenges are escalating around the world, placing communities, the environment, and our future at risk. By 2025, 1.8 billion people will live in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity. We are a global water technology provider focused on helping our customers solve the world’s toughest water challenges through innovative products, services, and solutions based on technology and expertise. Together, we can make water more accessible and affordable and communities more resilient. Let’s create a world that is more water-secure and sustainable. We can lead the way.