Lamoille creek basin normals: a case in which extension of normals by comparison with precipitation-data proved more valuable by comparison with another stream

TitleLamoille creek basin normals: a case in which extension of normals by comparison with precipitation-data proved more valuable by comparison with another stream
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference1936
AuthorsElges, C.
Conference Name4th Annual Western Interstate Snow Survey Conference
Series TitleProceedings of the 4th Annual Western Interstate Snow Survey Conference
Date PublishedJanuary 1936
PublisherAmerican Geophysical Union, Transactions, Part II:
Conference LocationPasadena, California
KeywordsSnow survey normals, Water supply forecasting

An example is given of extended snow cover normals by comparison with precipitation data for a small basin in Eastern Nevada. The expansion was accomplished by comparing the snow cover and an elevation of 7400 ft on March 1 with Nov.-Feb. precipitation. In this case the expansion from precipitation data yielded better results than could be expected by comparison to the stream flow data of the Humboldt River. Tabulation of data and a graph illustrates the results with detailed text analysis.