Influences of snow persistence on subalpine forest regeneration in small gaps, Colorado front range

TitleInfluences of snow persistence on subalpine forest regeneration in small gaps, Colorado front range
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference1984
AuthorsDaly, C.
Conference Name52nd Annual Western Snow Conference
Series TitleProceedings of the 52nd Annual Western Snow Conference
Date PublishedApril 1984
PublisherWestern Snow Conference
Conference LocationSun Valley, Idaho
KeywordsPicea engelmannii, Regeneration, Seedling establishment, Snow persistence, Solar radiation

The potential impacts of snow persistence on the regeneration of Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir are assessed at two sites on the eastern slope of the Colorado Front Range. Study is focused on small gaps within the contiguous subalpine forest; snow drifting by wind is negligible, but variations in direct solar radiation exposure produce distinct patterns of snow persistence. Seedling density is considered to be an indicator of germination and establishment success. Neither spruce nor fir seedling densities vary significantly with snow persistence. At these sites, a difference in snow persistence of one to three weeks does not affect seedling establishment, even when snow persists into July. The time required for annual growth appears to be sufficiently short, and the growing season sufficiently long., to allow delays in growth initiation of several weeks without negative effects.
