Comparison of runoff from a catchment snow pillow and a small forested watershed

TitleComparison of runoff from a catchment snow pillow and a small forested watershed
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference1971
AuthorsMolnau, M.
Conference Name39th Annual Western Snow Conference
Series TitleProceedings of the 39th Annual Western Snow Conference
Date PublishedApril 1971
PublisherWestern Snow Conference
Conference LocationBillings, Montana
KeywordsPressure pillow, Runoff, Snow pillow, Snowmelt

A 12-by-12 foot square pressure pillow was modified by the addition of drains to collect the snowmelt from the pillow. This meltwater was collected in tanks and monitored by stage recorders. The daily runoff amounts from the catchment pillow was compared with the mean daily runoff from a 1580-acre watershed and one of approximately 80 acres. The runoff from the pillow provided a good measure of timing of runoff from the two watersheds. A time lag of one day was found for the small watershed and 2 or three days for the larger watershed.
